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Vital testament

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Vital testament

    At Valencian Community the Decree 168/2004, of September 10, regulates the document of "Vital testament", and creates an office of centralized records. It is a document with early directives that a person realizes in situation of mental brilliancy in order to be followed when, because of a disease, it will not possible to express our own will. This type of documents are based on the "death deigns", and all that concerns and involves to the assistance and medical treatment to be practised on a patient who is under a physical or mental incurable or irreversible condition and without expectations of treatment.

    In general, the instructions are applied on a terminal condition, under a permanent condition of unconsciousness or on a cerebral irreversible hurt that, beyond the conscience, does not make possible that the person recovers the aptitude to take decisions and to express his desires in the future. It is there where a vital testament urges to that the treatment to be practising limits itself to the necessary measures to support comfortablly, lucidly, relieving of the pain (including those who could happen as consequence of the suspension or interruption of the treatment). The patient expresses his desire not to be kept alive by artificial means, before an incurable, painful and mortal disease

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