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Legal advices

    Do not sign any document of purchase of real estate without consulting before a lawyer. The private contract has the same legal force that a title deed, and if something is not in conformity with your desires it will not be possible to do anything to avoid it, since another part can demand the necessary fulfillment at courts.

    Do not think that the presence of a real estate agent or a notary is guaranteed by them as a lawyer -abogado- would do. These persons have a few and very concrete assignments, and though you could think that if something goes out badly you could claim them, the true is that these persons has functions and different responsibilities -take to good term the operation of sale, and to trust of the identity of the persons who sign and of the legality of the business-, bearing in mind that is not illegal to acquire an estate without getting a colateral of a bank or insurance company on guaranty of the refund in case of breach.

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